The diversity of dba's completed engagements illustrates the firm's strengths, and suggests the range of opportunities that lie before us. Most of our clients (listed alphabetically below) have returned for subsequent projects, and most have referred us to their colleagues.
Center for Cultural Technology
Based on the partnership between the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs and Highlands University for applications of digital and interactive media to exhibits, dba created a long-term strategic plan for a globally recognized Center for Cultural Technology. This will eventually include a technology R&D lab, an intensive educational focus, and an international student exchange.
A promising entrant in the burgeoning Santa Fe "informatics" community, CommodiCast is a spin-off/joint venture of two well established companies (Complexica and the Bios Group) developing business applications of complexity science. CommodiCast has a proven proprietary technology for predicting future demand and prices of commodities and other goods and services. dba worked with the company's president to clarify its key market segments, amplify certain potential applications, and perfect its overall business plan presentation in pursuit of equity funding.
Eight Northern Indian Pueblos Council
Representing the shared interests of the New Mexico Pueblos of Nambe, Pojoaque, Santa Clara, San Ildefonso, San Juan, Picuris, Taos, and Tesuque, ENIPC's Planning and Economic Development Department has begun exploring key areas of strategic tribal interest. With the support of Los Alamos National Laboratory, dba was engaged to research, develop, and write an analysis for telecommunications infrastructure planning, so as to enable the Pueblos' Governors to make informed decisions. The report covered technological, economic, regulatory, and social services issues within the context of cultural tradition and tribal sovereignty, and provided a "tool kit" for developing policies and a tactical action plan.
Evergreen Energy Company
Evergreen Energy, a California-based geothermal energy resource developer, needed a business plan presentation and status summary to present to prospective investors. Complex technology, policy, and economic considerations had to be explained in clear form. dba, working with multiple, uncoordinated source documentation, turned the project around ahead of schedule and surpassed the client's expectations.
Integrated Technologies Corporation
As New Mexico's leading fiber optics contractor, ITC was enlisted by a national communications company's local affiliate to prepare a proposal to senior management for the creation of fiber-based telecommunications infrastructure. ITC turned to dba for the market, business, regulatory, competitive analysis, and implementation sections, as well as the creation of the entire document.
Kauai Institute for Communications Media
Under the joint supervision of the County of Kauai Film Commission and the Kauai Economic Development Board, the KICM received a grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration to conduct a feasibility study for the Institute's development, and prepare a strategic plan. David Breecker, working in collaboration with MediaFusion, Inc., spent two weeks on-site in Hawaii interviewing stakeholders; studied a series of comparative institutes as models for development; created an analytical and design framework; and authored a five-year plan which charted a course to take KICM from an occasional producer of events to a permanent progenitor of artistic advancements and technological intellectual property.
Kaleidoscope Direct Marketing
In support of Kaleidoscope's Black Heritage Society series commemorating famous African Americans, dba researched and wrote or edited over 200 brief biographical sketches of those figures honored with a U.S. Postal Service stamp, awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor, or otherwise recognized for their achievements, leading up to the historic election and biographical sketch of President Barack Obama.
Los Alamos Bio-Chemical Technologies
LAB-CT (Los Alamos Bio-Chemical Technologies) is a start-up venture in the bio-tech sector. Its founders, two distinguished research scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory's life sciences division, are in the process of licensing and commercializing advanced DNA sequencing technology which they developed at the Lab. dba was enlisted to provide general management advice, and to prepare a proposal to the County of Los Alamos for economic development assistance.
Los Alamos Commerce and Development Corporation
The LACDC is a private, non-profit entity dedicated to improving the economic well-being and quality of life in Los Alamos County and Northern New Mexico. In addition to the challenges inherent in working both with and apart from the National Laboratory, the organization was formed by a recent merger between the local Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development Corporation, resulting in a number of difficult issues. dba has assisted with three projects:
- A White Paper entitled "Toward a Sustainable Community," for which dba created an analytical framework, acted as facilitator with a group of senior LACDC Board Members, and was principal author of the final document.
- An organizational development project to improve staff function.
- A two-day annual Board retreat, focused on re-structuring the merged Executive and Advisory Boards, and defining near-term objectives for the organization, which dba designed and facilitated.
Major Media Conglomerate
dba joined a team of technology specialists in preparing a special report for this major entertainment conglomerate, whose identity is shielded by a Non-Disclosure Agreement. The report analyzed a significant technological development occurring in the domain of a subsidiary of the parent company, with the challenge of bringing senior management up to speed quickly on the full range of issues. dba contributed a review of business, economic, marketing, and strategy considerations, which complemented a technology assessment delivered by other specialists on the team.
Manex Entertainment
Manex Entertainment, a U.S. division of a U.K.-based investment concern, acquired award-winning special effects house Mass.Illusion, relocated it to an abandoned Naval Air Station in Alameda, CA with the intent of creating a production facility, and undertook several other initiatives without benefit of a coherent plan. dba prepared a summary document under tight scheduling parameters, which outlined an overall strategy for the firm's diverse entertainment projects in the form of a successful proposal to the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority.
A business development unit of this telecommunications giant needed rapid and specialized assistance in assessing a potential new market and technologies. In association with a team of technical specialists, dba contributed a historical and strategic analysis of the industry under consideration, with recommendations for tactics and key success factors for entering the business. David Breecker also acted as primary editor, and coordinated publication of the report among the five specialists involved.
MediaFusion, Inc.
MediaFusion, a business development firm representing an outstanding collection of human resources, intellectual property, and fertile ideas in the digital media domain, required a written presentation suitable for investors in order to attract capital for growth and development. The challenge successfully met by dba was to integrate these various assets into a coherent framework, with business tactics, goals, objectives, and strategies clearly delineated.
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NM Media Industries Strategy Project
dba initiated this comprehensive long-term strategic planning effort for New Mexico's media industries, and was the principal author of the plan. Endorsed by Governor Bill Richardson as the State strategy, dba then served as Project Manager for its implementation and the allocation of $10M in seed funding provided by the Governor's Office.
NM Research Applications Center
Working with Governor Bill Richardson's Science Advisor and the NM Economic Development Department, dba created the strategy and preliminary business plan for the NMRAC, designed to accelerate technology commercialization from the State's research centers and improve tech-based economic development.
NM Technology Commercialization Council
NMTCC, comprised of the leaders of NM's national labs, research universities, and others, asked dba to prepare a roadmap for industry development in its chosen top-priority strategic area, "Energy from the Sun." This will include biofuels and solar energy sources, following a comprehensive set of recommendations including R&D, tech maturation and commercialization, and entrepreneurial support.
NetWerks, L.L.C.
Parent corporation of, a proposed Internet venture serving a professional community, NetWerks has world-class expertise in the targeted profession, and sought comparable business planning and Internet skills. dba developed a complete strategy, business plan, financial model, and cash flow projection, which has earned excellent response from prospective institutional investors and venture capitalists.
Rio Chama Telecom Coalition
The RCTC is a grass-roots advocacy group, dedicated to Herculean challenge of improving the telecommunications infrastructure in rural northern New Mexico. dba contributed pro bono services, including preparation of a Project Report and development of the group's mission and vision statements. David Breecker is also a member of northern New Mexico TAG (Technology Advocacy Group), a committee of accomplished communications, economic development, and technology professionals working in the interests of the State's businesses and residents.
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Rio Costilla Cooperative Livestock Association
With funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Rural Business Development program, dba undertook a full analysis of the RCCLA's 80,000 acre ranch with recommendations for its recreational development as an economic strategy. The work included a complete market assessment, facilities design, and financial projections.
Road Trip Cafe
The owner of New Mexico's highly successful Tesuque Village Market was invited to create a themed restaurant adjacent to a new dealership location for Santa Fe Harley-Davidson. Their expertise in food service concept, design, and operations, combined with dba's skill in business planning, market assessment, and financial modeling, resulted in a compelling investor package.
Santa Fe Artyard and Beehive Projects
dba served as one of the founding team members and Project Director on these interrelated initatives in support of the City of Santa Fe's "creative industries" economic development strategy.
The projects involve non-profit real estate development, mutli-tenant non-profit operational structures, and entrepreneurial support services for creators and arts organizations.
Santa Fe Cider Company
This New Mexico start-up will produce and market a premium organic line of apple ciders (hard and soft) made with locally grown fruit from small family orchards. dba assisted SFCC's founder and president in refining the company's product line and strategy, preparing a comprehensive business plan, and seeking commercial loan funding to commence operations.
Santa Fe Community Television
SFCTV currently operates as a public-access cable channel, staffed by Community College students. dba developed a strategic technology and design plan to transition the station to an interactive, digital, web-based network relying on user-generated content and community engagement.
Santa Fe County Economic Development Plan
In 2013, Santa Fe County undertook its first-ever formal economic development planning process. dba was engaged through competitive bid to create this long-term strategy and implementation plan, addressing the County's five target industries, additional opportunities, and other factors, which was passed by unanimous vote of the Board of County Commissioners in June 2014. The plan can be downloaded here (PDF).
Santa Fe Innovation Park
dba Principle David Breecker serves as President and founder of SFIP, an early stage applied solutions laboratory. SFIP is designed to provide an economic development platform for the northern New Mexico region while serving as a national innovation center, addressing complex systemic problems.
Santa Fe Regional Telecom Coalition
dba organized this coalition for advanced broadband planning and deployment, comprising Santa Fe County, City, and Community Colleege, and facilitated its meetings and agenda over a one-year period. As a result, pre-engineering studies have been completed for the key areas in the region.
Siete del Norte
Siete del Norte is one of the original community development organizations in the U.S., and has been serving rural northern New Mexico for nearly 30 years. The organization owns a variety of hard assets, with plans to develop their productive use. In this initial project, dba worked with Siete's management (assisted by a grant from the McCune Charitable Foundation) to conduct a feasibility study for a vacant commercial building in Espanola, and its proposed renovation for warehouse, storage, and light manufacturing. The study included cost estimates, market assessment, risk analysis, and recommendations.
Strategic Analytics
Santa Fe "informatics" company
Strategic Analytics, Inc. engaged dba for a multiphase project designed to develop the business plan and markets for its unique, patent-pending technology.
Informatics is an emerging Santa Fe specialty, driven by the institutional expertise of the
Santa Fe Institute and the Los Alamos Lab spin-out CASA (Center for Adaptive Systems Applications). Strategic Analytics' flagship product, LookAhead, enables financial services portfolio managers to improve their planning, risk exposure, and value. The initial dba project included competitive analysis and positioning, market assessment and development, and plan presentation. Subsequently, dba has worked with Strategic Analytics on market and business development
Technical Resources for Energy & the Environment (TREE)
The TREE Plan was commissioned by a client consortium comprising Santa Fe City, County, Community College, and Business Incubator, and Local Energy. In it, dba (working with alliance partner Global Smart Energy) created a master-plan framework for technology-based industry development in the renewable energy, energy efficiency, water conservation, and sustainable systems domain. The Community College's
Sustainable Technologies Center (for which dba has continued to provide advisory and planning services) is due to break ground in August 2009, and represents the initial implementation.
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Upaya Zen Center
This Santa Fe-based Zen Buddhism training, meditation, and education center engaged dba for a series of projects over a two-year period, supporting the Executive Director in developing and implementing a strategic growth and development plan for
Upaya. This included physical facilities, professional education programs, finance and fundraising, and operations.
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YouthStream Media Networks
YouthStream (NASDAQ: NETS) is the leading media and marketing services company dedicated to the young adult demographic segment. Over the past several years, the company has completed a series of strategic acquisitions and senior executive shifts, resulting in a number of significant, and successfully met, challenges. dba has assisted with three engagements for YouthStream or its subsidiaries, as follows:
- YouthStream China: A proposal co-written with the Project Coordinators in Beijing regarding certain proprietary aspects of YouthStream's China Internet initiative, including all salient aspects of the proposed education portal.
- Sodalis Technologies: A comprehensive business plan, developed in association with Sodalis' senior management, for the commercialization of proprietary Internet technology, including technical analysis and description, market assessment, implementation plan, competitive strategy, and financial projections. dba also contributed transitional on-site management services.
- An internal plan for development of this "top 100" community site's business model and revenue streams, prepared in collaboration with its General Manager and marketing staff.
Site and Contents Copyright (c) 2014, David Breecker Associates, Inc.